Saturday, January 31, 2009


Some people thinks that it is better to lie rather than telling the truth and hurt people’s feeling but sometimes, it’s not as good as they think. I know sometimes truth hurts, but when we have figured it out that what they were telling was a lie, the disappointment is just unbearable. I have been in so many situations where I have been lied to. 

They think they can get away with the lies. They think they can hide the truth from me but they do not know that there are so many prove of the actual thing. If only they told me truth, I would have understood their situation. They think I would not understand and that is what made me disappointed. For such a long time they know me, they still don’t know me. When they lie to me, it shows that they don’t know and don’t believe me. 

Eventhough I know the truth, I would just pretend as if I don’t know anything and listen to them lying. They think they can get away with the lies but no matter how hard you try to hide the truth, I will find out eventually. So just tell me the truth. For those who think that this is about them, it might be you or it could be someone else. 

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