Few months before i enter university, my house got no electric for a day. It was so hard especially when wan to sleep. Sleep on the floor was the best option and even so, i could only sleep for few hours. It was a bad experience but it became one of my sweet memory since i still remember it.
I hope i will make more memories no matter good or bad. Eventhough some of the memories was painful at that moment, when the moment have pasted, it will become a sweet memory. There are a lot more memories like this which some i can share and some i can't.
ya, arjun,.. we need to take everything positively,..
p/s: only after nearly half-a-year, only you update your blog??? XD hahahahaha!!
Yalah, update more, since you got so many memories to share.
Later 1 day u will forget them if u don't write it down.
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